Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday To....MOLLY!!!!

Ok, so I might not be the best pet mom in the world, but I'm definitely not the worst! Although it was 1/2 way through the day I remembered Molly's birthday was today, the important part was that I remembered. However, I did make a decision that her actual celebration will be later - during spring break where she can really enjoy her day with lots of playing in lakes and other fun stuff. In order to do some celebrating today, we did get in some frisbee playing (about an hour because it was a slightly chill, but beautiful day) and some playing with her new "water bottle cracking" toy that was a Valentine's Day gift from my parents (she loves it so much I bought another one the other day for her). Unfortunately this is where her good times end as tonight spells bathtime and tomorrow is a school day for both of us (that's right, Molly is going to law school....she's so smart!) So here's to Molly, one of the best aspects of my life for 7 years and hopefully a whole lot more years to go! Seriously, with my track record with plants/fish and other live things - I'm pretty sure both Molly and I are stoked to be celebrating her 7 years together tonight!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY (aka Molly McGee...aka Downtown Molly Brown...aka Mols...aka Mollll-eeeeeeee...)


Meredith said...

Happy Birthday, Molly! You look fabulous! :)

Wandering Wallaces said...

Woof...woof woof woof, to you, Mols! Know you will have fun at "Gramerci's and Papa Doc's house over break..and a little spoiling never hurt anyone!