Tuesday, December 2, 2008

16 hours...

A day in the life of a 3L:

4:30 am: Wake up

4:31 am: Feed Molly

4:32-4:45 am: Get dress (PJs are inappropriate, sweats are fine), Brush Teeth, Take Molly Out, Back up Books/Outlines

4:45 - 5:00 am: Drive to school, park, get janitorial staff to open trial courtroom door so you can claim your seat to study

5:00 am - 5:00 pm: Study Juvenile Justice (take break to type blog and check facebook of course!)

5:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Pack bag up to move to classroom

5:15 pm - 5:45 pm: Cram in classroom (quickly reviewing outlines)

5:45 pm - 5:50 pm: Pray

5:50 pm - 6:00 pm: Attempt to remember anonymous number for exam, eventually give up and just write three numbers, they can figure it our for me!

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Take Juvenile Justice Exam

9:15 pm: Go get a drink with a friend because you just finished a 16 hour day at school!


Liz said...

good luck with everything!

Meredith said...

yikes--that's hardcore. you are my studying hero.

Unknown said...

hey, i'll take your place any old day...but only for the 9:15 part. oh, make that the 9:15 PM part! :)

Wandering Wallaces said...

Do you think "five minutes" of prayer was adequate for this examination? Why after we get up at 4 AM tofeed Molly and then take her out for a walk....our prayers for a calm, quiet day are MUCH longer!