Kelly's update: School, and lots of it! Last Thursday I was at school for 10 hours straight - that just is not right...I've also got a lot of papers coming up - so that only spells LAW LIBRARY! This past weekend was spent with my mom and dad in g-rock.
Matt's update: Work, and lots of it! Matt's been working hardcore this past week and weekend. His overtime is through the roof!!! Basically, he had to get ready for this past weekend - 6 recruits on their official visit...needless to say, I don't even know what that all entails, but I know it is a lot of hard work and a lot of long days!
You might be wondering, what's on tap for this week...well, unfortunately more of the same. Kelly at school and Matt at work.
I know, this is possibly the most exciting blog yet right?!?!? Ha! Hope everyone has a great week!
(Sidenote: Thanks to Meredith for giving our blog it's latest update! She did it while Matt and I were in Charlottesville together, and we LOVE it!! Thanks Mere!)