Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Molly's having surgery...

Well you might not have known this, but a few years ago, the Bestest and I took Molly to her vet in Florida. It was then that I found out that Molly had a tumor. Specifically, she had a mast cell tumor located on one of her toes. She had surgery the next day to remove the tumor (and later on to remove the whole toe) so it could be sent off for a biopsy. The results came back that Molly had Stage 2 cancer. Stage 1 cancer means removal cures - Stage 2 means removal is necessary to stop spreading, but the cancer can return - and Stage 3 is an exceptionally aggressive form and leads to death. Molly has, since then been tumor and cancer free.

While my mom was in town the other week, she spotted a growth on Molly's belly. We made a vet appointment for the following day to get it checked out. My mom, Matt, and I were relieved to find out that growth was not a tumor and antibiotics cleared it up in a week.

However, this past Saturday, I discovered another growth/lump on Molly's outer left thigh. The vet wasn't open on Sunday so when I called at 7:30 Monday morning, their first appointment for Molly was 2:00 pm Tuesday. Matt and I took Molly to the vet yesterday at 2. After aspirating the lump (sticking a needle into it and then putting what was in the needle on a slide and looking at it under a microscope), the vet, Dr. Nancy Handley returned with the news that the lump was a mast cell tumor.

Unfortunately, the vet did not have any availability to do the surgery today, so Molly is scheduled to undergo surgery tomorrow (Thursday). The incision will have to be exceptionally wide and deep in hopes of clearing the margins. Meaning that when they send it off for biopsy, hopefully they will return saying that is was Stage 2 (or below) and that the ends of the sample were clear of tumor cells.

I don't know when they will send it out or when results are due back in, I will find that out tomorrow. The news was devastating and heart-breaking, but we are hoping for a very productive surgery with good news following.

Molly enjoyed a dinner of Arby's roast beef sandwiches last night and probably some burgers tonight. This morning I set up the downstairs of the townhouse for Molly to get used to new arrangements (adding the futon mattress to the floor and rearranging) since it is where she will be recovering (she isn't allowed to jump and the beds are too high - so she won't be allowed upstairs...we don't want her ripping out her stitches).

She is not allowed to eat after 8:00 pm tonight, and not allowed to drink water after midnight. Tomorrow morning Matt and I will drop her off at the vet at 7:30 am, and after pre-op blood work and surgery, we will pick her up at 3:00 pm. I will be staying home with Molly on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Matt and I will be discussing a schedule for staying with her for next week. We will let everyone know how she is doing.


Wandering Wallaces said...

I am praying for our "baby"....I know she is in great hands...the vet's and God's....

Liz said...

oh no! that is so sad to hear. i hope everything is okay with her.