Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's been on of those week that has 7 Mondays, not just 1!

This week I have been quoting William Shakespeare - "A plague on both your houses"...but reinventing it to say "A plague on our house!" It all started Monday when around 1 pm, Matt said to me "There is water in our kitchen ceiling." Of course I thought he was just delirious (need I mention the crazy heat here), but I came to look, and a there was a square portion of our kitchen ceiling hanging down - like a bubble, and if you pushed it, there was water. About an hour later I hear Matt saying "It burst! And water's everywhere!!" So our kitchen has a brand new decoration for the past (almost) 7 days...some sweet blue rubbermaid tubs and 3 towels! Rockin' new look, I know! We called the landlord, and he came over Monday...Tuesday he brought with him a general contractor...They decided the problem was the air conditioner and that the problem was a hole in the air duct. So the general contractor want to test the water leakage overnight. He came back around 3 pm on Wednesday and the container had about an inch of water in it. He was unhappy and wanted to test it for another 24 hours. Although he never showed up on Thursday, the ceiling started leaking every 2 minutes and the bucket got very full! Friday the landlord showed up with an air conditioning specialist, who found out the problem and stopped the more raining ceiling in the kitchen (SWEET) and the general contractor is to come out Monday to start giving us a brand new kitchen ceiling. Then there is the picture of the tomatoes. They are from our neighbor Jim's garden - really nice guy and really yummy veggies...UNTIL I noticed a portion of 2 eaten!!! I called up my brother-in-law Jeff and he discovered that Matt and I had mice! Awesome!?!? However, he totally hooked me up with stuff to take care of the mice and trained me where to put stuff and how to check it/bait some of the traps! And as an update, our house is less 1 mouse already! Thanks Jeff! Then there is the backyard/frontyard...and by that I mean how it is DEAD! Thanks to the constant heat and the fact that although other areas around us have received rain, we haven't in FOREVER...when I mowed this week, I only had to do portions of the yard! So Sad! However, now that we are have: 1) no more leaking ceiling, 2) one less mouse, 3) rain last night....Matt and I are both hoping this next week the plague is over...

1 comment:

Wandering Wallaces said...

Oh wow! WOuld I have wanted any part of your week? Absolutely NOT! Glad the AC man got it fixed...that is a plus/'s hoping you can now look up and see dry wall again!