Friday, October 16, 2009
Flowers and Fire....
Flowers and unlikely combination I know...but both are important....
First....the FLOWERS....Matt brought the flowers home yesterday after I called to tell him that my name was on the list - the PASSING list for the July 2009 Virginia Bar....aren't they beautiful?? He even asked the florist to add my favorite flowers in!!! I love them (and him)! Then he took me to Baja Bean for a mexican dinner and some celebratory drinks - my restaurant of choice....and then back home to watch The Proposal (really cute, I really liked it...I think Matt was bored with it..)....just the way I wanted to celebrate...spending quality time with Matt!
Second, the FIRE....So, in our townhouse, we have a wood fireplace....just like what I grew up with in Millie (what we call my parents house in Gadsden)...I love love love love love love love love love real wood-burning fireplaces...I love the look, I love the smell, I love the "free" heat they provide...basically, I love it all...EXCEPT starting them....well, let me was tricky in see the flu was so stinkin' hard for me to open and then to see if it was open...but this morning when Matt went off to work, I decided one thing...It is COLD super freakin' chilly cold....hello, my very first "nor-easter" cold!!!! And well, there is that thing called heat, but well, I'm opposed to turning it on just yet...(when it is 20 outside you bet that heat will be on) I went out this morning and got a thing for fire wood to sit in, the poker stand thing (very fancy terminology, i know), fire wood, and some starter logs.....and then tonight I made the decision (see, I kind of decided to make it while Matt was with UVA at the first practice of the season tonight until 8....sneaky so in case I messed up he wouldn't know and hopefully the house wouldn't smell like smoke)...anyways, long story long, my point is...the fire was and currently still is, a GREAT SUCCESS!!! I can't wait for Matt to come home and enjoy it with Molly and I!
So, yes, an odd combination, flowers and fire...but as you can see....very important!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The life of an AEPi Wife...
A weekend in the life of an AEPi Wife:
Friday: Clean house and prepare guest bedroom and futon for guests (AEPi brother/Best Man Chad...and his friends from New York)....after they arrive, go to Buffalo Wild Wings with them and Matt and watch baseball and drink beer....leave so that guys night can begin...
Saturday: Wake up and get bagel assortment from Panera's Bread Co. for the some Wii with one of the AEPi brother/Groomsman some football...then get ready and leave for UVA v. Indiana....Park and arrive at an $8 UVA short-sleeved t-shirt @ UVA bookstore because it was crazy hot under the sweatshirt (although weatherman promised 65 @ game time, he was wrong...i am sure of it....frustrate husband b/c before leaving house he recommended a short sleeve t-shirt underneath sweatshirt and one might have told him a long-sleeve would be better)....walk from bookstore to AEPi alumni parents tailgate...NOTE: I freakin' love this tailgate! I've only been one other time - 2 years ago....It is a AEPi brother that was in the pledge class above Matt's, but I swear this guys mother and father are so nice to welcome us to tailgate everytime and they are so thoughtful...and the food and drinks ROCK! tailgate meet several other new AEPi brothers and ones I already knew (groomsman Rich)...walk into Scott Stadium....find AEPi brothers and sit with UVA absolutely kill Indiana (final score: 47-7)....such a good game, didn't leave much time to mock/crowd watch...however, it left some time...which meant find woman with 1) very straight, very short bowl haircut, blue pleather jacket, and gloves that looked like crazy spirit fingers...and 2) the unitards....7 guys in blue/orange skin tight unitards! Leave Scott Stadium in middle of 4th to "walk the dog"....return to grounds, specifically Baja Bean @ the Corner to sit and partake in uh, well let's just say lively discussion with a large group of AEPi alumni!
Sunday: Wake up and take dog out. Play Wii with the guys/watch the guys play Wii. Say goodbye to the guys...then clean up for our next guests (my parents)
Yes, I know what you are thinking...and me too...
It's pretty sweet being an AEPi's wife!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Date Weekend!
For my birthday, Matt gave me a card and an option on this weekend to go to either San Francisco, Denver, or Chicago. I had originally decided on Denver to see my sister Robyn and her boyfriend John, but then I thought about the actual plan. It would've involved a lot of traveling and very little of what I consider "quality time," so I asked if we could just do a "stay-cation" instead...making this weekend Date Weekend in C'ville. So that is exactly what we did, and it was amazing!
We started if off Friday with dinner at Bonefish Grill and then headed home for an early night since the night before (U2) was a late night for both of us! Saturday we woke up and spent the morning at Carter's Mountain Apple Orchard! We decided to take Molly. It was her first time there, and she had a blast! Then we came home and watched the UVA Cavaliers beat UNC!!! I was nice to see the Hoos finally win a game! Then we got dressed and ready to head to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch those amazing Baylor Bears win yet again - even without RG3! Sweet! Sunday was a morning at local winery - well actually it is located a little outside C'ville, but was supposed to be amazing! We got there on a special weekend and were able to sample some of their wines that normally aren't available for sample, but only for sale. Then we headed home to watch the Redskins and grill out with Molly.
A great weekend with lots of "quality time".....a perfect b-day gift from Matt to me!!! I loved it!
C'ville turned CRAZY by U2!!!
Well apparently Matt wasn't alone in Scott Stadium.....over 55,000 people joined him Thursday night, including Danny, Nick, Nick's girlfriend Sarah, Mike, and Mike's girlfriend Ali!!!
Matt said the show was AMAZING and the stage was PHENOMENAL!
After the show they all went to the Corner to grab some drinks and hang out.
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