Saturday, July 25, 2009

I think I've killed a 100 trees...

Every time I go through another 100 blank white index cards I think to myself. How many trees did I just kill? Ha! Ha! Ok, wait seriously, I'm not really green friendly, so my first thought is: "Wholly McGuiver, my hand is killing me, I'm so tired of writing!" But today I did think about the trees...I'm not really sure if it was b/c I've used so many note cards or because in general I have missed seeing the trees this week...I used to study outside before this week began....But it's ok, as much as I miss nature, I sure am beginning to love Group Study Room C. I'm even debating on giving it a nickname - I'm open to suggestions for the nickname.

So I thought I'd update everyone with a new picture from my beloved Group Study Room C.

Unfortunately tomorrow after studying I'll have to say goodbye to Group Study Room C as I drive to Roanoke. I hope neither of us shed a tear.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Saturday - you know, the normal kind, without studying, without libraries, without study rooms (even ones you may or may not love).

1 comment:

Wandering Wallaces said... room closed to Kelly...she is "examming" for the entire day! Kudos to you for all you brain-power-pluggin'! We are praying that the exam goes well for you..and well enough for VA too!