Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Busy Busy Bees....

So the blog has been silent for a while - my apologies - but Matt and I have been busy busy bees. I'll start with Matt's life lately - since mine is rather boring.

The team is in it's last regular season stride and they play tonight (against FSU) coming off of a Sunday night win against BC. I think the girls are having a great season, and although they probably won't get a by for the first game for the ACC tournament (March 5-8), I think they'll still do great in Greensboro. But before Greensboro, they still have Georgia Tech on Sunday! This is pretty exciting for Matt and I because we think I might be able to come to hang out the day before and watch the game!!! All that is left unkown is who will watch Molly - I've got to get that worked out before I go, but hopefully it will all come together because I love watching those Hoos dominate on the court!

I've pretty much had the same schedule every single day...wake up, feed molly, get ready, take molly out, head to gym, head to school, head home for homework/bar preparations. Yeah, I know - I lead a wild and crazy life! Ha! Actually yesterday was pretty awesome because I had an opportunity to get a lot done for my Virginia Bar application...I ordered my Texas driving report, I ordered my Alabama driving report, I ordered my free credit report, I ordered my individual MPRE score report, I went to Homewood PD and got my fingerprints taken, and I got a letter that was necessary from my law school...also, last Friday I spent 5 1/2 hours working on the application in a room in the law library and solidifying my references. So woo-hoo it is almost done....all that is lacking is a little more information on the application and waiting for everything to come in before I mail it off!!! Woo-hoo! I've also been busy working on the wedding stuff - save the date magnets went out and now re-sending ones that have been returned. Also got our last big vendor nailed down - the DJ. So we are well on our way. I'll be down there for Spring Break and hopefully get it all finished up. Until then - the same schedule as above repeats.

Here's hoping that even if you too are a busy busy bee - life is going well!

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