Friday, June 20, 2008

Mr. "Sicky Poo" and Miss. Cure the title probably doesn't make let me explain....

Matt is sick - and we aren't talking that famous quote of my grandmother's... "oh, i've just got a tickle in my throat." No, we are talking an "i'm leaving work, going to the doctor and getting in bed" sickness. Now let's back up - this would probably be a normal course of action for people who are sick but Matt and doctors just don't seem to agree (EXCEPT for Matt and my father - who is a doctor). So when Matt decided to see a doctor and of course his loving fiancee agreed with him - we knew it wasn't just a "bug." Matt stays in bed getting better - I still gingerly refer to him as Mr. Sicky Poo (the name ALWAYS used in the Wallace family, even to this day for ANY sick person)....However, here's hoping he gets better fast - because in 2 days 110 kiddos are coming to UVA basketball camp!!! Wa-Hoo-Wa!

now, one would probably assume that Miss. Cure would mean that I was in VA tending to Matt's sickness - and although I considered it, Matt said for me to continue on with my mother to the Lou! And I'm not talking about the famous "potty pals" - and every single woman knows what that phrase means...No, I'm talking about St. Louis...that's right, my mother and I drove up here last night after I got off work. Tomorrow morning is the annual St. Louis Susan G. Komen RACE FOR THE CURE! I've been doing the Race for the Cure ever since I lived in Waco, but the St. Louis one is my favorite - it's huge, and by that I mean the nation's largest!!! So my mom, my twin sister Robyn, my oldest sister Kimberly, and my nephew Logan are "running" in the Race tomorrow to "SAVE THOSE TATAS!!!" with other people in a group from Kimberly's husbands' company, Blue Chip Exterminating.


Meredith said...

I love the title of this post! I hope Matt feels better soon and you have fun at the race!!

The Bass Family said...

Are you freaking kidding me? Of course I know who you are.. I RUSHED YOU.. little did you know that! I've added you to my blog list.. and by the way..your B-E-A-UTIFUL! Miss you sweet girl!

I Didn't Sign Up For This At Career Day said...

Having cancer myself im so thankful for your sisters support :) This site is adorable and you look beautiful in the picutre. I am so happy for you Kelly i knew youd go far :) us glenconian implants cant help but look for life outside the box :) I love you and i miss you! we should have lunch together sometime - and i look forward to reading your blog i saved it in my favorites ;)
I have a blog at i just havent had the energy to post yet - however - thats going to change soon. Im so proud of you, so happy for you, and you're in my prayers and thought.

Love you